Abundant Life’s children’s ministry is devoted to meeting each child’s area of needs. By teaching God’s Word and Truth at an early age, children are better equipped for a lifelong relationship with Christ. With your help, and help from the Lord, we can work together to ensure your child is ready to face the world in confidence, rooted and established in love. It is never too early to instill the truths about God in a child.
Children from infants through fifth grade are given a safe, loving and fun environment for playing and taking in Biblical truths each week. Our children’s workers provide parents with relevant resources to take the lessons home so that spending time with the Lord becomes a daily part of children’s lives. At Abundant Life, children are loved and accepted unconditionally, and we look forward to welcoming your child soon.
Each member of our Children’s Ministry Team has completed background checks to make sure every child at Abundant Life is safe. All class leaders are over the age of 18. There are always two or more volunteers in the rooms at all times.
Wee Ones - 3 Years Old – Kindergarten
Power Up Kids – 1st – 5th grades
* Nursery is available during all services.