Attending a new church can seem intimidating and unsettling at first. At Abundant Life, we want to put you at ease. We do this through a loving and caring environment.
Abundant Life is a group of people on a journey with Jesus. We don't claim to have it all figured out and recognize that each of us is in a different spot on that journey. Whether you are new to the area and looking for a church home or you are just checking out the whole "church thing," you are welcome here
When you arrive at our church, you will be greeted by a host of friendly faces from our parking lot team to our greeters and ushers. You will experience powerful worship, dynamic and straightforward preaching based on God’s Word. When you do visit, please introduce yourself – we look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to Abundant Life.
You will see people dressed in various ways, from jeans to the occasional tie. Who you are on the inside is much more important than the way you look on the outside
Before you leave...
Please fill out a Guest Card (located in a seat pocket) during your visit. We have a "no hassle" policy at Abundant Life, so we won’t be showing up at your front door, but we would love to send you some information and share some ways that you can connect further if you desire.